Dragon Quest Resources
So, what is a Dragon Quest?
A dragon in the context of Questify Your Life is a social justice issue. There are so many issues in our world and sometimes that can be quite overwhelming. Imagine staring up at the sky and seeing a bunch of dragons. Maybe you want to fight them all. Maybe you want to run and hide. Neither of those choices would necessarily help you out in the long run.
That’s where a Dragon Quest comes in.
A Dragon Quest is the single dragon that you focus most of your altruistic energy on rather than spreading yourself too thin. This will hopefully be able to successfully fend off the burnout related to the terrifying amount of social justice issues that plague the world.
To do this, you can choose one issue that you want to make a difference on and find a community to help fight that dragon. This can be as big or small as you want. Maybe your dragon is fighting for clean water in your neighborhood. Maybe your dragon is connecting advocates with resources. Maybe you are a mental health advocate. Whatever your dragon is, find a group or organization and work together to fight the dragon.
Being focused on one dragon does not mean that you should ignore all of the other dragons. Help out others when possible, but when it comes to decisions on your time and energy, you now will know where to start.
My Dragon Quests almost always revolve around disability topics. This often looks like advocacy through public speaking engagements, volunteering with groups like the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), and sitting on a couple of relevant committees.
This can be scary because it means that I out myself as a disabled person and must trust that people will respect me nevertheless; which is not always the case. Yet, I can see my efforts in fighting this dragon can make positive changes and that keeps me going.
Resource List
This area of the site is a place to compile resource, blog posts, and activists that are fighting the various dragons in the world.
While this page is still under construction, you can read more about the Dragon I am fighting here.